
コムスタカ―外国人と共に生きる会 Kumustaka-Association for Living Togehte with Migrants

〒862-0950 熊本市中央区水前寺3丁目2-14-402

c/o Sudou Shinichirou Gyouseishoshi Office
〒862-0950 2-14-402 Suizenji 3 Choume, Chuou-Ku, Kumamoto City

2016年熊本地震2016 kumamoto earthquakes

Report of Interview Research on Immigrant Single Mothers Affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake 

Between July 2016 and January 2017, Kumustaka conducted a interview research included 30 immigrant single mothers who experienced the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake.

In the research, we examined how immigrant single mothers, who ghenerally tend to be socially isolated, have limited access to information, and limited connections to the Japanese community, coped at the time of the disaster and subsequent evacuation, and what the challenges were that they faced as single mothers and as immigrants.

To share the challenges and suggestions on a support system for future disasters that we fave learned from the research and to better understand multicultural society, we have published the report online.

We are also offering the booklet version of the report for free, so if you are interesed in, please contact us.

Download the Report in English Here
Download the report in Japanese Here

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